CDN Providers Partner with Google Cloud Platform

CDN Providers Partner with Google Cloud PlatformCDN providers are always on the lookout for ways to improve their market share and give a diverse array of end users around the world the opportunity to take advantage of high speed content delivery. Whether through the development of exciting new technologies or the broadening of their networks to reach new corners of the globe, this kind of growth is vital if CDN providers are to stay relevant in the fast moving content delivery network market of today.

CDN Providers and Google Cloud Platform Benefits

With the launch of Google’s Cloud Platform in 2011, a new way for CDN providers increase their market share was created. The Google Cloud Platform is a cloud computing service that Google uses for products such as Google Search and YouTube and helps increase the performance of these services. However, Google initially only partnered with Akamai. Now, Google has announced that they will be leveraging eight different CDN providers to boost the performance of their Cloud Platform.

Writing in its blog, Google stated that “In essence, CDN puts your content in many places at once, providing superior coverage to your users. For example, when someone in London accesses your US-hosted website, it is done through a local UK PoP. This is much quicker than having the visitor’s requests, and your responses, travel the full width of the Atlantic and back.”

“The CDN Interconnect program provides choice and depth to Google Cloud customers. It allows select CDN providers to establish direct interconnect links so that customers egressing network traffic from GCP through one of these links can benefit from the direct connectivity to the CDN providers as well as Interconnect pricing,” Google says in its blog post.