What is CDN? Learn All About Content Delivery Network



Legal Information

All trademarks and tradenames used in providers’ information and price comparisons are acknowledged to be the copyright of their respective owners.

Prices are subject to change and may vary at any time without notice. Published pricing throughout our website are for guidance only and do not constitute any contractual representation, warranty or obligation on our part. We update the prices on the date when we checked them and the prices may have changed in the meantime (both up or down).  We compare prices on like for like service plans, however, the scope of available features, technical and other parameters with respect to the same service plan may vary for different service providers. 

Liability for errors, omissions or consequential loss is expressly disclaimed.

No Financial Advice

We do not provide tax or investment advice. The information contained on our website and/or any advice or comments made by any agent or employee of Zerouno Limited trading as CDNfinder.com are intended only to educate and assist clients, applicants, visitors, and the like. This information is provided for informational purposes only and is not meant to be a substitute for professional counselling and advice from a certified tax or financial professionals.

Providers Information

To ensure a high level of published data accuracy, we review providers websites, industry related blogs, collect client feedback and reach out to each provider regularly. Before publishing provider information we double-check collected data and to the best of our knowledge, the published information is accurate as well as up-to-date. This information is provided for informational purposes only and we do not warrant or make any representations concerning the accuracy, likely results, or reliability of the use of the materials on its website or otherwise relating to such materials or on any sites linked to this site.

Provider RUM performance Measurements

Powered by cedexis.com we publish Real User Measurements performance data for each measured CDN provider on our website by syncing via Cedexis API. Cedexis collects over 7 billion daily performance measurements from real end users of 1000’s of global well-known websites like Linkedin, Bloomberg, Nissan, AirFrance, Microsoft, L’oreal, Tumblr, etc and has the world’s most accurate CDN metrics. It is considered in the industry the most unbiased source of data for evaluating CDN (http://www.cedexis.com).

We publish Response Time measured in Ms (MilliSeconds), Availability measured in % (Percentage), Throughput measured in Mbps (MB per second) and display Type of report, Date the measurement was taken, geography as well as percentile on the website and on related tooltips.

Providers Ratings and Reviews

Zerouno Limited trading as CDNfinder.com is a professional review site, independently owned and the opinions expressed here are our own. When reviewing CDN providers, we take into accounts many criteria (Some of which listed below but not limited to) and give high marks to only the very best. We believe CDN services should be of easy access to all business and are committed to finding you the Best CDN.

  1. Brand Reputation
  2. Years of trading
  3. Revenues
  4. Numbers of employees
  5. Support
  6. SLA
  7. Terms
  8. Range of services
  9. Number of POPs
  10. POPs Locations Worldwide
  11. Customer feedback
  12. Performance
  13. API
  14. Online Admin
  15. Technology
  16. Innovation
  17. Roadmap

Plan Pricing or Estimated Pricing

At Zerouno Limited trading as CDNfinder.com we are aggregators of CDN, DNS and Security Services. We sell CDN provider services online (Basic Plan, Pro Plan and Plus Plan) as well as direct sales based on our reseller volume based discounted pricing to help users get the best deal.

We publish CDN provider Estimated Pricing (EST. Pricing) based on either our reseller volume based discounted pricing and/or on CDN provider published online e-commerce pricing and/or on our client feedback (Whatever is more accurate, cost-effective and better value to users at our knowledge). 

CDN provider Estimated Pricing is calculated based on the assumption that 70% of the data transfer is delivered from POPs (Points of Presence) in the USA and Europe and the remaining 30% from rest of the world. The prices shown are provided for informational purposes only, exclude possible cost for requests, setup fees, delivery from mainland China, value-added services, advanced services, special offers, promotions, seasonal discounts, etc, therefore, you should always request a quote for customised pricing based on your actual technical and business objective.