CDN Provider 21Vianet Group partners and Microsoft

CDN Provider 21Vianet Group partners and MicrosoftCDN provider coverage is one of the most important factors companies consider when looking at potential content delivery network providers to power their online content. A CDN provider haa a unique network infrastructure that allows large data files to be delivered around the globe quickly and efficiently. With servers located at strategic data hotspots, a websites data is duplicated over these points of presence. As end users request data from a particular website, they are redirected to the server closest to them to download the data, reducing latency and improving bandwidth and download speeds.

CDN Provider Benefits for Global Companie

Content delivery networks are critical for companies looking to expand into new geographies, particularly the lucrative emerging economics of east Asia. As such, CDN provider companies with a presence in China are proving to be particular popular at the moment. As such, China-based CDN provider and cloud computing company, 21Vianet, has recently announced that they will be working closely with Microsoft to help them deliver a customised Hybrid cloud computing solution and related services to China. They will be doing this through their joint venture with UNIS (Unisplendour Corporation Limited).

Mr. Steve Zhang, Chief Executive Officer of the Company, commented, “We are delighted to announce the establishment of Unisplendour-Vianet, which will allow us to work more closely with UNIS and Microsoft. With UNIS and Microsoft’s expertise and support, together we can further strengthen our research and development capabilities by providing hybrid cloud computing solutions that are tailored for Chinese users. We look forward to expanding our cloud computing capabilities, products and solutions and broadening our customer verticals, further building our leadership in the China market and creating long-term value for our shareholders.”